Feel free to contact J4U with any questions before placing your order.
Handbags/glasses are by request only. Jus4U does not keep handbags/glasses on hand for personal reasons. Once an order has been placed for the handbag/glasses the order will be processed accordingly.
Unfortunately Jus 4 U does not accept returns or exchanges! **ALL SALES ARE FINAL** If for any reason J4U sends the wrong merchandise (i.e, color, size, or style) your request for a return will be granted, free of charge.
Procedure for Returning Items:
- Please email [email protected] within 5 days of receiving your items.
- Return items must be unused and unworn. **Please note: any items that have been used will not be accepted.
- Once your return has been received it will be processed promptly.
- Upon completion your item will be shipped and a confirmation email will be sent to you.